Family Dreams 54. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Yes. 55. Do you consider yourselves better off than your parents and grandparents? Saif says he is better off by far than his parents because of the oil wealth. 56. What would your family like to own that you think would make your lives better? Our lives would be better if we had more cash for vacations (trips to London, Paris, Alaska, etc.) and more leisure time. 57. Do you have any savings or security? We save $900 (US)/month. 58. When and how are you planning for retirement? Saif is planning to retire at the age of 55 and continue to be a guest teacher at schools throughout the world. 59. How would you make your children's lives better? Education and good health will make the children's lives better. 60. What kind of future do you see for your children? Saif thinks his children will have better lives than his. 61. What are the children's ambitions? Lubna: Her own graphic design firm. Lail: Keep working at the petroleum company. Abla: Go to school for graphic design.